A Few Words of Introduction#
I want this site to be open to all constructive topics, regardless of their political or ideological orientation - therefore, please forgive me for not introducing myself by name yet.
Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by science fiction, which has given me a strong attraction to science and imagining its impact on our daily, social, and cultural life.
This is especially relevant now, in the era of the greatest transformation in human history, as we’re about to encounter SSI for the first time - an intelligence built by humans but alien to us, surpassing everything we’re capable of and much more.
A few decades ago, I had to run to the library to gather information. The Internet changed this dramatically but quickly transformed from a place full of lofty ideas into a machine exploiting human weaknesses so that a few could become even wealthier.
Even now, while AI is still in its infancy, it can diagnose diseases better than 99% of medical specialists. This raises important and troubling questions:
- How long will I have a job, and what skills will be needed in the future?
- How should I prepare myself and my children for a world dominated by AI?
- If AI and robots do everything, what will be humanity’s role in future society?
- Will this technology ultimately liberate humanity or enslave it even further?
- Should I passively watch this process, or can I find a way to influence these changes and be part of this transformation?
Portal’s Purpose#
The intention behind the creation of this portal is:
- To bring together people who are troubled by these questions and who would like to personally ensure that the future for our children is not a dystopia.
- To search for and share information that is or potentially may be relevant. The flood of useless information makes people read less. However, forming an opinion about what is and what will be requires extensive, though not necessarily professional, knowledge.
We focus on:
- Jointly deepening knowledge in important areas.
- Jointly searching for optimal development paths - both personal and collective.
- Developing projects that have a real impact on our earnings and everyday life.
- Guiding the development of AI for the benefit of all people, not just the wealthiest few.
If this intention resonates with you - comment, share, write your own article, be active. If you don’t start acting now, you might regret missing the chance to contribute to shaping this transformation in the future.